Celebrating #InternationalCreativityMonth, and to all creatives out there, we've put together a little list of creativity boosters / to help spark your brain with more ideas /

Give it space, time and attention
2- Have more Questions than Answers
3- Get clarity about exactly what you are trying to solve or envision and why
4- Be Curious. Wonder about things. Ponder. Explore. Seek & Reflect
5- Have brainstorming buddies and a creativity support team
6- Turn problem statements into vision statements
7- Challenge assumptions & norms/
Your own, others and societies
8- Record your thoughts and ideas
9- Look for the story behind / about something
Consciously do something different. Better, yet uncomfortable
11- Use your body as a creative resource.
Walk. Dance. Listen. Play. Feel. Become more aware
12- Surround yourself with life-giving and inspiring people, images and objects
13- USE MISTAKES AS AN INVITATION TO CREATE. They can lead to something new and unexpected
14- Create your own rituals
15- Pretend you are someone / something else while finding a solution or creating
16- Allow discomfort to be an acceptable part of the creative process
17- Be willing to BREAK RULES, then break them again
18- See in terms of Exploration and Discovery / Not just solutions and right answers
19- Suspend judgement as you explore
20- Create a larger, more generate and alive future story to live into / Play with it, work backwards, let it inform the present
21- Embrace ambiguity rather than avoid
22- Adopt alternate views of reality
23- Write out the unique ways you are creative